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Do it Today Summary & Insights: Boost Your Productivity


Author: Darius Foroux

Publication Year: 2018

Original Language: English

One Sentence Summary: "Do It Today" by Darius Foroux offers valuable insights and practical strategies for overcoming procrastination, enhancing productivity, and achieving personal and professional goals through actionable advice and the power of taking action.

Do it Today Summary & Insights: Boost Your Productivity

About Author:

Darius Foroux, is an entrepreneur, author, and podcaster. He has been sharing actionable tips for optimizing life and work every week since 2015. His ideas have been featured in TIME, NBC, Fast Company, Inc., Observer, and other publications.

He is an author of books few more books Think Straight, Win your Inner Battle, What it takes to be free. You may consider visiting Darius Foroux Website for useful material and tips on productivity, Habit creation, Decision making, Wealth building.

About Book:

Key Concepts

At the core of "Do It Today" lies the idea that taking action is the key to success. Foroux emphasizes that waiting for the perfect moment or seeking motivation is futile. Instead, he encourages readers to start small, take consistent actions, and build momentum towards their goals.

Main Ideas:

Foroux introduces the concept of "Now Moments," emphasizing the significance of the present moment in achieving goals. He stresses the importance of breaking tasks into smaller steps and focusing on progress rather than perfection. Additionally, the book discusses the power of habits and how they can be harnessed to facilitate productivity.

Practical Advice

Throughout the book, Foroux offers practical advice to overcome common productivity challenges. From managing time effectively to setting achievable goals, readers gain actionable strategies to implement in their daily lives.

The Benefits of Taking Action

Procrastination can hinder personal and professional growth, leading to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. By taking action promptly, individuals can experience increased productivity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of accomplishment.

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Overcoming Procrastination

Understanding Procrastination

Foroux delves into the root causes of procrastination, such as fear of failure, lack of clarity, and overwhelm. By understanding these factors, individuals can address them effectively and break free from the cycle of procrastination.

Strategies to Beat Procrastination

The article explores various techniques to combat procrastination, including time management strategies, task prioritization, and creating a conducive environment for productivity.

Time Management Techniques


Foroux emphasizes the importance of identifying and focusing on high-priority tasks to make the most of one's time and energy.

Time Blocking

The concept of time blocking is discussed, wherein individuals allocate specific time slots for different tasks, ensuring better focus and efficiency.

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique, a time management method involving short, focused work intervals followed by short breaks, is highlighted as a powerful tool to enhance productivity.

The Two-Minute Rule

For small tasks that often get overlooked, Foroux suggests implementing the Two-Minute Rule, which involves immediately completing any task that takes less than two minutes.

Setting Achievable Goals


Foroux introduces the SMART criteria for goal-setting, emphasizing that goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


Visualization techniques are explored as a means to enhance motivation and focus on long-term goals.


To stay on track with goals, Foroux recommends seeking accountability through mentors, peers, or tracking progress publicly.

Building Habits for Success

Habit Loop

The habit loop, consisting of cue, routine, and reward, is discussed as a framework to build and maintain positive habits.

Habit Stacking

Foroux introduces the concept of habit stacking, where new habits are built upon existing ones for increased effectiveness.

Habit Tracking

Tracking habits allows individuals to monitor progress and make adjustments for continuous improvement.

Do it Today Summary & Insights: Boost Your Productivity

Maintaining Consistency and Motivation

Dealing with Setbacks

Foroux acknowledges that setbacks are a natural part of progress and provides guidance on overcoming challenges and staying resilient.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset fosters adaptability and the belief that skills and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Implementing Darius Foroux's Wisdom

Personal Experiences and Success Stories

The article shares inspiring personal experiences and success stories of individuals who have applied Foroux's principles and achieved significant transformations in their lives.

Transforming Your Life

By internalizing the teachings from "Do It Today," readers can unleash their true potential and lead a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


In conclusion, "Do It Today" by Darius Foroux offers valuable insights and practical strategies for individuals seeking to enhance their productivity and achieve their goals. By understanding the power of taking action, prioritizing effectively, and building positive habits, readers can overcome procrastination and pave the way for long-term success.


JAY is a Book Blogger and Content Creator. He is listed among the Top Book Bloggers in India. He has worked with more than 150 Authors, Brands and India’s listed Publisher’s in regards with Marketing and Promotions.

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